Journal Publications in SCIE, Scopus and other indexed journals in 2016

S. No. Author Names Title of the Paper Name of the Journal Month& Year of Publication Volume No, Issue No. & Page No. SCI/SCI E/Scopus /UGC ISSN Number
1 Mr. U. Srinivasa Rao & Mr. P. Siddaiah Radiation Characteristics of 2*2 quarter wave Transformer Fed circular patch array antenna at L band for Airborne applications (IJETR) June 2016 Volume 5 No. 2 Pg. No. 30-33 UGC 2321-0869(o) 2454-4698(p)
2 Mr. K. Vijaya Vardhan, Ms. P. Kavitha, Ms. M. Sarada, Ms. Y. Sudha Vani & Mr. A. Srinivasulu Carbon Nano Tube Field Effect Transistor based Ternary Ex-OR and Ex-NOR gates Current Nanoscience August 2016 Volume 12, Issue 4 Pg. 520-526 SCI
3 Mr. Ch. Yehoshuva, B. Naresh Kumar Reddy, Mr. A. Venkata Reddy & Mr. P. Suresh Kumar A novel CMOS Gm-C complex filter design for multi-mode multi-band wireless receiver applications Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (springer) August 2016 Volume 91 Issue 1 Pg. SCI
Details of the Faculty publications in Conferences-2016

S. No Faculty Name Paper Title Name of the Conference Month & Year of Publication
1 Mr. G. Harish Design and Implementation Of smart energy meter International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies 26-27 Aug. 2016
2 Mr. G. Harish Design And Implementation Of Real Time Vehicle Monitoring, Tracking And Controlling System International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems 21-22 Oct. 2016
3 Mr. G. Harish Implementation Of Eeg Based Driver’s Attention Tracking And Habitats Monitoring System International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems 21-22 Oct. 2016
4 Mrs. P. Vijaya Lakshmi Implementation of a High Speed Multiplier desired for High-Performance Applications Using Kogge Stone Adder International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies 26-27 Aug. 2016
5 Mr. S.Nagaraju Design and implementation of Short Message Service (SMS) based blood bank International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies 26-27 Aug. 2016
6 Mr. S.Nagaraju Design and implementation of door Access control and security system Based on IOT International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies 26-27 Aug. 2016
7 Ms. Y. Usha Devi Implementation Of Gesture Based Voice and Language Translator For Dumb People International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems 21-22 Oct. 2016
8 Ms. Y. Usha Devi Design and Implementation of IoT Testbed with Three Factor Authentication International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems 21-22 Oct. 2016