
The Department of Information technology has excellent Infrastructure with spacious Lecture halls in terms of general requirements and state of art laboratories for carrying out academic activities. There are altogether 4 Laboratories. All laboratories are well equipped and well maintained.

The Department of Information technology has spacious laboratories and ergonomically designed classrooms with all the required facilities. It constitutes 1 Conference Hall, Department Library, 4 Labs, 3 Class rooms and 1 staff Room.

Laboratory Details:

S.No. Name of the Laboratory as per the curriculum
1. Programming Languages Laboratory
2. Networks Laboratory
3. Computing Laboratory
4. Data Science Research Laboratory

Class room Details:

S. No. No. of Sections No. of classrooms/ tutorial rooms
1 3 2+1(T)

Other Facilities Details:

S. No. Name of the facility
1 Department library
2 Conference hall